Bringing pensions together

What to consider if you have multiple pension pots

The employment landscape has evolved significantly over the last few decades and changing jobs multiple times before retirement is now very much the norm. But did you know, there is an estimated £9.7 billion of unclaimed UK defined contribution pension funds?[1].

Over time, maintaining a strong connection with your pension savings providers can be challenging. Job changes, relocations, and company transitions can scatter your financial anchors, leaving you with a collection of separate pension pots. If you’re among the millions juggling multiple pensions, it might be time to consider pension consolidation to bring order to your retirement investments.

**Why Consider Pension Consolidation?**

*Simplify Your Financial Landscape:* Even if you’ve had relatively few jobs, managing various pension pots can become a logistical maze. Consolidating your pensions into a single fund simplifies the management of your retirement savings.

*Reduce Fees:* Multiple pensions with different providers can lead to numerous annual fees. Consolidation can help you cut down on these expenses.

*Unlock Better Investment Choices:* Some pension providers offer a limited range of investment options. By consolidating your pensions, you might gain access to a wider spectrum of investment opportunities.

**Points to Ponder Before Consolidating**

*Loss of Valuable Benefits:* One drawback is the potential loss of unique benefits tied to specific pension schemes. Some schemes may offer superior death benefits, and consolidation might mean relinquishing this valuable protection.

*Possibility of Higher Fees:* Certain schemes may charge higher fees compared to what you’re currently paying. Careful consideration is crucial before making any decisions.

*Access Challenges:* Remember that once you consolidate your pensions, accessing them for emergencies may become more complex. This should factor into your consolidation decisions.

**Tracking Down Your Lost Pensions**

If you suspect you’ve lost track of a pension from a previous job, the government’s Pension Tracing Service at []( can help you locate unclaimed retirement funds. It’s worth investigating whether you have forgotten pension funds waiting to be discovered.

**Stay Wary of Scams**

Lastly, be vigilant about potential scams. Pension savings are enticing targets for fraudsters. If someone unexpectedly reaches out, offering assistance with transferring your pension, it’s likely a scam. When in doubt, contact the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) to verify their legitimacy.

Remember, pensions are long-term investments typically accessible at age 55 (or 57 from April 2028 unless your plan has a protected pension age). The value of your investments and potential income can fluctuate, impacting your pension benefits. Interest rates at the time you access your benefits can also affect your pension income.

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