Pension Drawdown Options & Advice
Get access to your 25% tax free cash and maximise your retirement income.
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Get Advice First
What are your options?
Should you take a guaranteed income, for life, or if flexible options are important to you. It is important to carefully consider and understand all your options before proceeding with drawing down your pension savings.
Tax Free Cash
Find out how much is available to you tax free…you could be entitled to a sizeable lump sum without paying tax.
Remaining Funds Investment
We advise on ways you can keep your funds invested and take an income as and when you need it.
Inheritance Planning
Adding More Value
You may find that you want to increase your pension fund size by combining pensions, or moving savings into your pension etc. We can help you understand the best ways to do this.
Retiring Soon?
The decisions you make now could have long term implications on your future wealth.