Trying To Locate Your SERPS Pension?
About SERPS (State Earnings Related Pension Scheme)
If you were employed from the 80’s through to around 2012 you would have been eligible to ‘opt out’
This was usually just a matter of ticking a box and signing a form. (Over 11 million people did just that!). Part of your National Insurance contributions would then be re-directed into a private pension fund set up in your own name. There were over 100 pension companies able to accept these contributions at the time, however many have merged or been taken over and tracing your funds can be difficult. Have you lost touch with your pension pot? find my SERPS pension
£30,000 Average Fund Size…
On average our clients are finding the fund size to be around £30k! In some cases larger!
So it is really worth finding and looking after this sizeable pension fund that belongs to you!
How Do I Find Out?
Pensions Advice UK provide a free service that will initially help you to track down your SERPS fund and our advisors will then provide you with a valuation and recommendations on how you can utilise this fund!
Please ensure the details you provide are as accurate as possible. lost pensions uk
You Could Have More Than Pension Funds Than You Think!
We can tell you how much, where, and how to access your SERPS pension fund.
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