Tracing a lost or forgotten pension in the UK can be a complex and time-consuming process, especially if you don’t have all the necessary information. However, there are steps you can take to try and locate your pension, including contacting your former employer, checking your paperwork, and contacting pension providers directly.

You can use the  Pension Tracing Service that is offered through Pensions Advice UK; our team take the hassle out of finding your pension. But you will still need to supply who you worked for and where possible, any old paperwork or pension company names.

The UK government offer a free pension tracing service offered by the UK government.

This service can help you locate lost or forgotten pensions by providing you with contact details for your pension provider. However, it is not that straightforward to use this service It’s just a way to help you track down any pension savings you may have.

If you’re still having difficulty tracing your pension, seeking professional advice from a financial advisor or pension specialist may be beneficial. But often, they will not trace the pension unless you have other pension savings that they can take over and manage. Or they will charge you a fee to carry out the pension trace.

Regardless of the method you choose, taking the time to locate your lost pension can have significant long-term benefits for your financial well-being.